Testing new materials and trained in Torsby

Peltonen SkisLast week I got some new skis and other materials for next season. As seen in the pictured. I wil also have also a pair of Peltonen’s new dubble poling skis in my ski park next winter, but I have not received them yet and therefore I hav not been able to test them yet. In order to test what kind of skis I received and determine if I was happy with them or not we whent to Torsby over the weekend to go skiing in ski tunnel.

Saturday was spent in ski tunnel in Torsby with tests of skateing skis and training . And classic technique ski tests and training classical technique in the afternoon. Some really great new pair of skis  amongst the pairs! It will be  fun to race on them for the winter!

On Sunday morning I went a little shorter and easy session of rollerski skate technique at rollerski track. In the afternoon just before the journey home, I went two long intervals up to Hovfjället a few km north of Torsby. Video from the second interval below.



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