Back on rollerskis, study visit and new to Snapchat

It’s been a pretty hectic week since I last wrote here. Lots of studying, a study visit, board meeting with the Ski club and comeback on the rollerskis. Lots of pictures from all this is to be found further down in this blog post!

I have also, finally, years and years after everyone else created a Snapchat account. The reason I’ve been so hesitant about Snapchat is that I think it’s a, downright, bad company! The product fascinates me, however, as a marketer who wrote his bachelor’s thesis about communication (marketing) through social media channels. So I thought I would give it a chance at last!  So feel free to add me!

Grängshammars Bruk
Grängshammar. Incredibly beautiful village!
Roller skis Grängshammar Dalarna
The dam at Grängshammars Bruk
Kolhuset Grängshammars Bruk
The ruin of the old charcoal house in Grängshammar from 1834.
Study visit to the Falun Mine as part of an assignment in the course Managing and Interpreting Natural and Cultural Heritage sites.
It rained above ground before we went down the mine.
I always forget the feeling of being down here 40 meters underground.
Incredibly mighty feeling!
This sign was in the café at the Mine. I want one!
Cinnamon Buns Day
Cinnamon Buns Day with people from France, Italy and Dubai!
Dinner with my sister before we went and watched football on friday.
0-0 and Cold as hell! But  it a pretty good game nevertheless!
Mats knuts Höstbild
Nice in Mats knuts as well! Here on a double poling session on rollerskis towards Falun yesterday!


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